Re-entering fields

To allow you to re-enter the form field values entered up to that point, the process.php stores all form values into sessions, which you can use on your form page to re-fill the fields. Let's tweak our example form, used in the previous page:

$fields = isset($_SESSION["form_tools_form_data"]) ?
  ft_strip_tags($_SESSION["form_tools_form_data"]) : array();
	<title>POST Form With CAPTCHA</title>

<h1>Example form</h1>

<?php ft_api_display_post_form_captcha_error(); ?>

<form action="" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="form_tools_form_id" value="1" />

	First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name"
					   value="<?=htmlspecialchars(@$fields["first_name"])?>" /><br />
	Last Name: <input type="text" name="last_name"
					  value="<?=htmlspecialchars(@$fields["last_name"])?>" /><br />
	Email: <input type="text" name="email"
				  value="<?=htmlspecialchars(@$fields["email"])?>" /><br />
	Age: <select name="age">
	<option value="Under 18"
	<?php if ($fields["age"] == "Under 18") echo "selected"; ?>>Under 18</option>
	<option value="15-25"
	<?php if ($fields["age"] == "15-25") echo "selected"; ?>>15-25</option>
	<option value="25-40"
	<?php if ($fields["age"] == "25-40") echo "selected"; ?>>25-40</option>
	<option value="40+"
	<?php if ($fields["age"] == "40+") echo "selected"; ?>>40+</option>
</select><br />

	<?php ft_api_display_captcha(); ?>

	<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


This now extracts the values out of $fields and re-enters the form field values. This methodology can be applied to any type of form field.

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