Create a theme in 5 easy steps

Here's a (very!) quick guide to creating a new theme. Once it's created, you can set about customizing it to make it look however you wish.

  1. Download the example theme and unzip it on your desktop.
  2. Choose a name for your theme (here, we'll call it "my_theme")and rename the "example" folder.
  3. Edit the /my_theme/about/theme.php file and change whatever values are appropriate.
  4. Upload your new theme folder to your server and add it to the Form Tools /themes folder, along with the "default" theme - and any other themes that you have installed.
  5. Log into Form Tools and go to Settings » Themes. There, click the "Refresh Theme List" button. You should now see your new theme!

From here, the world's your oyster. You can start editing the templates and CSS to make the script looks however you need. To change the thumbnail and image that appears in the Settings » Themes tab, just update the screenshot.gif and thumbnail.gif files, found in your /my_theme/about/ folder.

Have fun!

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