Problems Upgrading?

For 2.1.3 and later, if there are ever any problems upgrading the database, all changes that it just attempted to do are rolled back and a message is displayed with a little information about what failed.

First and foremost: report this problem in the forums! It should not have occurred, and either points to a problem with your database, or a problem with the upgrade script itself. Please quote the entire error message, and mention which version you were upgrading from.

In the even of the upgrade failing, your Form Tools database and files are then incompatible. Upgrading involves updating some of the files on your server, as well as the database upgrade. If the database upgrade fails, that means that there are new files trying to read the new database, even though it wasn't updated. You have two options:

  • Wait to hear a response in the forums concerning the problem,
  • Revert your Form Tools files back to the previous version.

But please know that in the current state (new files + old database), Form Tools may not be able to function normally.

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