Installing Themes

Installing a new theme is very simple.

  1. First, browse the available themes list on the Form Tools site to locate the theme you want.
  2. Next, download the theme to your desktop.
    • For zipfiles, unzip the file on your computer using whatever compressor/decompressor you have installed (we recommend WinZip) All themes are located in their own unique folder. Send the single folder to your webserver via FTP; it should be placed in your [form tools root]/themes folder.
    • For tar.gz files, FTP the folder to your [form tools root]/themes folder on your webserver. SSH or telnet into your server and go to the themes folder. There, run this command (replace name_of_tar_file_here with the name of your tar file):
      tar -xzvf name_of_tar_file_here.tar.gz
  3. Next, log into Form Tools and go to the Settings ยป Themes page. Here, click the "REFRESH THEME LIST" button. And that's it! You should now see your new theme.
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