
About Modules

Form Tools was designed to be modular. The Form Tools Core includes all the necessary functionality to create and manage your forms, but most of the really cool stuff is found in the modules. All modules are entirely optional: you can pick and choose what additional functionality you need. For convenience, the main download files include the most commonly requested modules, but you can always go ahead and uninstall them if you don't need them.

The modules are all listed here. Check 'em out! There's lots of great functionality available!

Premium vs. Free

This is a new development with Form Tools 2.1.0. In order continue expanding Form Tools, it needed to start generating an income. Form Tools started as an evenings-and-weekends hobby project, but it grew to much, much more. Rather than start charging for the Core script, we decided to charge for optional modules. So you'll notice that some modules are premium, others are not. We really appreciate your support on this: we're not out to make a killing, just enough to pay the bills so we can continue devoting ourselves to the script!

The Modules page

Modules page
Modules page

The modules page provides a quick overview of all the modules installed on your system, their versions and the option to select or uninstall them. Since there are no limit to the number of modules you can have installed, this page can get rather full! So to help you locate the module you want, we've included two handy features:

  • Sort. The module name and "enabled" columns are sortable - click them twice to reverse sort by that column.
  • Search. The search field at the top of the page searches all aspects of the module and returns the subset found. As of 2.1.0, you can also search by Enabled / Disabled.


  • By default, the modules page lists 10 modules per page. But if you feel this is too many or too few, you can edit that value on the Settings ยป Main tab.
  • Often, you may find yourself using a module so often that having to it can get annoying having to click through the Modules page just to get to the module. To get around this, you might want to consider adding a direct link to the module in your menu navigation. You can read about customizing the menus here.
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